Friday, February 13, 2009

Dancing Cheek to Cheek

just to have it

and to add: the fabulous screen reality dance of the - NYC ballet, was it? all of them dancing to a huge blow-up of Fred Astaire & Ginerger Rogers. and now of course i can't remember the song...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

nine - creative time comix

creative time comics has a monthly comics graphic and uses nine for it

this is by way of getting my own nine thing down for the group.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3 Year Old Solves Rubik's Cube in 114 seconds

actually there are other 3 year olds who do this to, incredily enough -

except i didn't put the link in, don't know if it's worth bothering about...

Monday, February 2, 2009

some 3-screen notes to add links to before reposting

is a - 1 B - and a 2
uncut long takes
medium - completely unrelated - and wide
african dancing

what i'm really thinking is: three- the big long essay on that -

the A1- [blue filter] and a2 ['natural] here are wide, slow-moving shots and then a fast cutting one in the far right [are they the same shots?]
this is how people innately organize their ideas - it's amazing

and lastly - the sound includes a low drone and then repetitions of the sounds creating the cutting.

"sunken city" is inherently much more interesting - three shots of the same thing - by Raphaele Shirley

i could in fact tie this to my own autobiography - which is that figgis came out with time code in 1999, and i had decided on four people in my Pretend story - Mom dad sophie ellie -- and because he was ONLY four, i couldn't do it --

and that forced me to think about three

and the walter murch essay on design

text - 'writing' -- in quotes, this strikes me as funny

kieran daly
United States
work: text ('writing'), pieces for performance — studies: work of jacques lacan, semiology, literature & visual art
from one of the blogs on david's blogroll -

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 Super Bowl Ad Trailer from Audi

a trailer? for an ad? r u kdding me?
michael o'neill and i both watched this, since i missed the 'chase' through the history of film ad from audi that just played-