Sunday, October 25, 2009

overhauling the paradigm

“the paradigm needs an overhaul. how can you make non-commercial films for tens of millions (sometimes pushing 100 million) and expect to turn a profit?”

have not seen it but would point out ‘creation’. here is what is certainly a beautifully made movie that couldn’t draw an audience if you gave the popcorn away free. it probably costs several millions (at the very least) and may never play. how can anyone have thought a movie about darwin and his wife would fill seats?

grab a digi-cam and some actors and make your movie for pocket change. if you can get some investors, great. otherwise, start with a good script, work for nothing, turn in a good movie that’s really truly scary, funny, moving, whatever it is you’re going for (as long as it’s commercial), and pull in an audience, with, hopefully, a modest profit in the end. repeat as necessary.
posted by Alan Green on September 20, 2009 at 8:44am PDT

and this is also true:
The problem is that none of these movies are actually “independent films.” Yes, they might have been funded independently, but they were created with sufficient budgets with the intent that a major corporation would distribute. Well, what exactly does that mean? It means that these are small-scale studio pictures that the studios didn’t have to take a funding risk on, that’s all.

Independent film got bloated. The budgets went too big. The movies became too commercial.

Instead of independent film being the incubator of new hungry talent and independent voices, it became a place for established talent to make smaller films that get them awards and “street cred.” In other words: it stopped working because it got its priorities mixed up.
posted by Edward Wilson on September 20, 2009 at 12:09pm PDT

the future of cinema is the stage

"I also have the idea of making a play AROUND a movie- like hamlet was in the Wooster group"

this is dropped in the middle of my personal writing - it strikes me now, because this is precisely what reed farrington was talking about yesterday: five kids get to choose a movie they want to be 'inside of' and he's going to help them do this --
he's creating the future audience for the new form! i love it.

i should send him my little six sentence twitter essay - the future of the cinema is the stage.

did i write about his St. Joan?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

paranormal activity

a brilliant film. i need to write about it. i need to write henry about it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

if you google SSSS and HDTV you'll find all the theories on this

here's the sight where I found this:

the article contains, among other observations:
"Newsweek magazine reported July 30, 1990, that the U.S. military successfully deployed "Silent Sounds" through the FM frequency radio band used by the Iraqi army after Saddam’s military communications system had been destroyed by coalition forces. "According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers….the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech type of subliminal messages referred to as ‘ultra-high-frequency silent sounds’ or ‘silent subliminals,’" Newsweek reported.
Once system-wide conversion to HDTV is made, the silent sounds that neutralized the Iraqi army can be planted into the minds of Americans enjoying the crisper images and richer sounds of digitized TV. Through HDTV, "Big Brother" will be able to order troops to invade the homes of America and begin seizing weapons, food, valuables and maybe even children while our people are absolutely paralyzed for no apparent reason and can do nothing to defend themselves, their families and their homes."

US Patent #5,159,703 which describes the "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)," was developed for military use by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia and granted on Oct. 27, 1992.

SSSS, or "S-Quad," is described in the abstract as, "A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude—or frequency—modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

In layman’s terms, this device, this "Sound of Silence" simply allows for the unwarranted implantation of specific thoughts, emotions and even prescribed physical actions into unsuspecting human beings"

actually, turning over analog to hidef TVs has been in the works for at least two decades - more, really. I remember going ot conferences on this at NAB conventions when i was a trade reporter in the early 80s. it took this long because the standards around the world were all in conflict, with America's being the lowest.

someone wrote back to a youtube video about this:
"regarding the switchover to HDTV and the converter boxes. It has nothing to do with SSSS. You are reaching. I have Lynx 24 bit192k converters and the best spectrum analysis software available. There is nothing extra there. Period. If you want to chase mind control science look into the reason for the 60 HZ refresh rate for a 30 second framrate. You are kind of retarded and have no idea what you are talking about."