Friday, July 31, 2009

jon stewart skewers situations room

The Huffington Post has just sent you a piece from

Jon Stewart Mocks CNN Situation Room's Multi Screen Format — With Spongebob?


Last night on "A Daily Show," Jon Stewart mocked the multi-screen format "The Situation Room." In particular, he commented on the use of one of the six screens to display...Spongebob Square Pants While presenting the news that John Edwards was dropping out of the race for President And while Jon once thought that the multi-screen format of "The Situation Room" was stupid, he's now christened it: "a hilarious f*ck-up that never gets old to watch." Watch for yourself: ... Read the rest at

© 2007, LLC

Saturday, July 25, 2009

William Holden and Kim Novak (from Picnic, 1955)

this was my posting from Youtube, but it was too long to keep on there-

and I had two of these playing - the other once hasn't posted for some reason, this gets a little erratic...

and I was making a kind of fugue, back and forth - my own mash-up actually - because I was also thinking of this scene, of mom describing this movie to me - right at the start of the sixties, when there was this feeling that the flower children had invented sex, and mom described this scene to show that they, in fact, hadn't -

and I could show her, describing it to me and possibly get their permission to use it. because it also seems to tie in with that spectacularly romantic picture of dad in the still photos.

because I want to rent a car and g out of town and start filming the lights in the trees- take Jody’s bicycle, and do this. actually I could probably ride her bike out of the city - how hard would it be to get to someplace? actually - Staten island could pass for Depere.

"this is the only scene in a movie my mother ever described to me - she had seen Picnic when it came out, and, since this was long before there was a Youtube to play it on, before there was home video at all! (yes, I’m that old) she described it for me: "Kim Novak is in a pink chiffon dress, and she comes down the stairs, and she claps her hands to the rhythm, and she can do it right" and mom did the best job she could of a 60s Midwestern housewife imitating Kim Novak walking and clapping - "...and he takes her in his arms, and the way they move together, the way they look in each other's eyes... that was.." (and she whispered this part) "!"

I do remember buying Picnic - renting it - and I watched this scene over and over and over. and read all about it - how bill Holden was nervous and self conscious about being a bad dancer-- and an alcoholic, so josh Logan let him have several drinks --

and James Wong Howe, how he lit it with those Japanese lanterns...

and I had forgotten this, that - when Picnic was finally released on VHS, and I had rushed out and bought it, and saw this scene and knew exactly what she meant -

that there was one birthday - I’d woken up, feeling very alone - I think it was when I was still in that little apartment on Jones street, in fact I know it was- so that would have been 1982, or even 83 - I would have been turning - 27? was that it?

but somehow, I think it might have been - Boston? or someone else's place, because the bed was on the floor, the light was coming in - and the jazz station was on. and I was completely alone on my birthday morning - I was missing her and having coffee by myself, and then- out of the blue - this theme from Picnic came on the radio.

and I knew she was stopping by.

so -- all of those things- can all of those things be together in a frame? because then it bleeds out into - her loneliness, her rejection of dad - and my seemingly lifelong rejection of anything like that life -

and both of us - mom in the theater- the pink and lavender flickering on her face - what a romantic she was! and she had to have been a sexual person, despite everything - a passionate person -

and I’m her daughter and I’m watching the same scene.

which she must have seen with dad. and I remember mom saying -- no, dad telling me, that after 1956 she wouldn't say I love you to dad anymore.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

but not sodium lamps

an image of riding under street lights as a child would have to be under non-sodium lamps - not the orange glow of today's lamps, which we didn't have then. [all this for an image i'm still discussing with myself]

வ்ரிடிங் இன் எ டிபிபிறேன்ட் லங்குஅகே

ஒகே, இ ஹாத் டு டுர்ன் இட் ஆப். இ கில்டன்'த ஹவே ஒத் மி கோட் இ'ம வ்ரிடிங் இன் எ கோம்ப்லேடேலி டிபிபிறேன்ட் லங்குஅகே- திடன்'த மேதான் டு டு தட்!

found this while looking for night shots of trees

all right, this is something i have to keep track of -

the tudou site - a japanese site for watcing videos, must be something like their youtube:

this beautiful framing in japanese - of someone taking some kind of image of what seems to be a computer game-

[and actually this makes me realize something - that all these 'handheld' movies - cloverfield, et alia - are actually using the camera rhythms and motions of the videogame - the swooping in, pulling back, searching with the camera. like the 'camera' work here- or - i don't know what you call it on a videogame, actually. something to look into: camera motino in videogames]

it makes for a slightly trapezoidal screen -- i know there's a word for this, this filming of one's game moves on a computer screen - well, screen grabs, i guess- or is this some kidn of children's cartoon?

but this is so eerie- at any rate, i love the framing of the Japanese ideograms and the black background -

something to go, i guess, in the 'letterbox' section - in this sense of video-watching platforms creating framing for a video - which is meant to be 'unseen' but of course isn't -

oh and that reminds me, here's another thing on framing which i also stumbled on - [it's amazing how a blog can turn randomly surfing the web into a suddenly useful activity - just start writing about everything you've been clicking through and voila- a kind of internet triangulation, that's somehow - i don't know - it feels like you're done something even though all you've done is link together links - which is what passes for knowledge now. actually - perhaps this is how new languages got started)
from a site, new to me, called loose wire - on a device called uTag
well, actually that doesn't really apply - it's about 'banners' and substituting another site's URLS for the ones you want to link to. never mind.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just so i don't forget it - voogling from 2007


a term which did not catch on, apparently - someone's attempt to cover 'citizen tv'
no idea if anyone else is looking at this - a number of mash-ups.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 takes together

joan jubett sent me this- or rather her new(ish) husband Andrew Bauer did, and it's in the category of more than one performance cut together - which my judy X 3 also is - and also an elvis video that i'm going to find right now that my brother (as in my brother who is running for mayor) sent me for my bday -
thanks joan and andrew.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

now i get it

now i get it, man - this is how i can do this. this idea - that what you see changes what you hear, has of course been intuitively grasped by every kid who has ever done something like - well, this- for example, an Everlong song replacing the great score by david amram - a very strange sensation -

but - laslty - really - this is the thing - so i jsut put up the dad writes his poem thing - there it is, adn i realized- well, i don't even have the alternate video fo this thing - it's nowhere, is it?

i can put my own alternate audios and just - put them up there. i coudl even take this one song -
actualy -
now see, there's a really interesting idea: what happens when you put alternate split videos over the SAME audio -
judy garland isn't on my youtube uploads, is it. fuck it, who can keep all these video websites straight. well - it's out there somewhere.

New Order Regret PL

so this is just a beautiful use of a Super8-inspired use of split imageform. i wish i knew who made it, and when, who shot, edited it - i know nothing about it, except that it's a highly imaginative use of a screen to add, connect, renumber images -- in a faux 'niave' setting - i.e. postcards, super* softness and aspect ratio, it's actually deftly using the dark space of a widescreen to put images in as many relationships as possible, really -
so ill have to find out more, but in the meantime here it is.

send to patrick

Question: Open source tools for web-based split-screen media

A reader writes:

I am an artist, who is not very technical, looking for any existing open source code that would enable a web site to pair two videos on a split screen for simultaneously play. The video artist uploading his/her video would simply note which video he or she wanted to appear opposite his or her own video on the split screen and "viola", the videos would be play side by side.

YouTube Doubler and You3b provide the functionality described above, but the reader informed me that she is looking for an open source software package that can be installed on a given site and presumably customized. If you know of such software, or would be willing to work on something similar, please leave any info in the comments.