Sunday, December 6, 2009

from old emails

hey there jerrilynn - thank you so much for sending this, i did check it out - now, what i found was the only one video played at a time, based on what you clicked on in the various and sundry menus- no matter what i clicked, the video always played in that corner, hence it was still technically single channel in the sense of one moving image at a time
but what blew me away was the incredible availability of so many channels all at once - even if one at a time. this is really going to change how we watch television -

so first let me know if i'm doing something wrong, since i wasn't getting more than one video at a time - also i'll go back and try it again, i wanted to write you back

and yes, i keep meaning to blog about this stuff- but there's so much of it and unfortanately blogging has become another form of writing to stall on...

and yes, isnt' it amazing how we saw this on the horizon so long ago and here it all is, and it's all part of the same thing? digital video/film really is this generation's rock and roll - in the sense that rock and roll was still being discovered and invented while we were kids -the beatles first album versus sgt. pepper's, for example -- and all the technology that made for those changes - and that's what these kids have now. i've been guest teaching at a few colleges and this year, i've noticed, are the first classes where the kids truly understand what i'm doing and the experiments i was going for, in a way that even the college students four years ago didn't - they understand manipulating technology to tell a story differently - that's when i realized this is their rock and roll and their elvis is the internet.
and i have been meaning to write about all of this and just haven't. in some ways, it feels like it's all moving too fast. but what i don't feel anymore is this wretched solitude of being the only person who thinks this way, besides you and a select group of people that for two decades i could count on one hand. astonishing, really.

so thank you for these observations - i'm just proposing a magazine article right now on the equivalent happening on stages, where theater is multiscreen in new york and becoming its own, new, multi-screened form - perhaps i will get back into writing the essays, i've put a few up on my website in the intervening years - - please take a look

and tell me how to do the multi video, since i only got it to play in that one corner (shutterbugs was on and it's actually very funny - and then i went into spring break and other things) - that other large black sqaure with mtv on it never played simultaneously for me

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