Saturday, June 12, 2010

abecedarium & database art

in the 'how did i miss this?' category, i'm posting Lynne Sach's incredible multichannel online video portrait of Manhattan - called - abecedarium - i had glanced at this site when it first came out but utterly missed the beauty and the multiplicity of it, particularly the alphabet on the first page, which turns into little cubes of video as one's cursor passes over them. i'll have to remember to ask Lynne how she decides on when it goes into more than one cube or not. 

it's inherently multichannel
AbeCed actually fits into a category of what I call (or maybe someone else came up with this,  can't remember now) "database art" - it's related to surveillance also - as in dieter roth's 100 cameras on his life - this is a splendid example of it.

and those assembled musical multichannel videos are a variant of this. As Sixty Cameras could be. 

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