Friday, July 2, 2010

eija-Liisa Athila

I haven't seen much of her work lately, but Eija-Liisa Ahtila did a great three-screen installation a few years back, called "House," which is apparently available in no other way, this always being the down side of the High Art version of multichannel/split/broken/whatevers: as Art, they need to eb kept scarce and purchasable by museums and collectors; hence those of us exploring the form are denied any simple way to see the work. well, this is a long, old discussion, better related elsewhere (as in Pip Chodorov's "Frameworks" list). I went to a MoMA screening of her works -- and they actually showed them as single channel. As if there weren't the slightest difference in the world. Astonishing.

all right, i now officially love Youtube. Someone has a site posting nothing but illegally grabbed copies of some of the great multi-screen video installtions - Doug Aiken, and Ahtila - a Finnish artist who is sometimes referred to as "Ahtila the Finn," in reference to her international art stardom:

here's notes on an exhibit from 2005

Eija-Liisa Athila
Consolation Service
Video projection 2 channels DVD
Color, sound
23:40 min

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