Sunday, August 1, 2010

the beauty of lenses

some of these recent conversations - like, audio commentaries- in
coming home -
long lens on them holding themselves-  this was like a 400
actually i'm going to have to get to know lenses better myself. jeesh.

i mean - you can set up the camera and leave it there -

in 40 yr old virgin -
looks like there's two cameras on basically everything.

which is: you set up out of range - you can pull back and use a close lens- and what will that do? that's right- fuzz out the BG - flattering etc.

overhead on the scene on the chest hair waxing - one camera is overhead
one is getting the group shot -
this is a really fast way to shoot, for one thing - so i'll definitely have some classes on that -

and this is very different from the kind of planned to be simultaneous but separate videos- like time code or closing time or whatever - i need a better name for them -

 i may assign some of these audio commentaries.

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