Sunday, August 22, 2010

letterboxed ads & series

of course, there's my lecture on letterboxing, which lives i'm not sure where. the basic point is the irony of wide-screen having been developed to compete with television, itself having been created with the exact same aspect ratio as fimls in 1939 had: 4:3.

just randomly watching the natinoal geographic channel -
i'm seeing four different kinds of letterboxing -

the show itself "journey to the center of the universe" has an aspect ratio of looks like 16:9.

the chase ad actually has a Cinemascope aspect ratio - at least 2.85:1.

then the america online has a hand-drawn line and white letterboxing in an animated commercial

and a Nat'l Geo promo has another aspect ratio

and then there's a funny direct tv ad where all the guys in a diner are watching a ball game on their iphones.

let's see if i can find them. hm. actually these are not online. i might ahve the ad wrong.

this is the widest I've seen: logitech, although i suspect it's for the web, which is the widest aspect ratio of all as per the billy elliot ad which i think i posted already.

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